Who were the suspects charged in Jake Millison's slaying? Details explored ahead of Mother, May I Mu

ID's Mother, May I Murder is set to revisit the shocking disappearance of Colorado rancher Jake Millison and the horrific discoveries that followed the disappearance. The new episode titled Blood Feud will air on the channel at 10 pm ET on Monday, August 21, 2023. The official synopsis says:

ID's Mother, May I Murder is set to revisit the shocking disappearance of Colorado rancher Jake Millison and the horrific discoveries that followed the disappearance. The new episode titled Blood Feud will air on the channel at 10 pm ET on Monday, August 21, 2023. The official synopsis says:

"The heir-apparent to a Colorado ranch, Jake Millison, suddenly disappears, which shocks his friends, but his family doesn't seem to care; when a worker discovers human remains, an unexpected confession destroys the bond between mother and child."

Jake Millison was the heir-apparent to his stepfather's ranch worth millions in May 2015. However, the 29-year-old went missing from the property in Gunnison, Colorado, where he lived with his mother Deb Rudibaugh. While Deb seemed unbothered that Jake was missing, his elder sister Stephanie and her husband David, also seemed to be behaving suspiciously.

More than two years later, Deb made a shocking confession. The confession led to arrests and charges being filed against her, Stephanie, and David, especially after Jake's body was found buried on the ranch. Investigators believed the sister's desire to own the ranch led to the slaying. All three eventually pleaded guilty to separate charges receiving lengthy prison sentences. Deb, however, died in prison in 2019.

Jake Millison's mother and elder sister offered differing stories to his friends when questioned about his absence

It was a nightmare come true for investigators and friends of missing Colorado rancher Jake Millison. They searched for him for more than two years, looking at every possible lead and suspecting the involvement of his family. It was over two years later that the 29-year-old's mother Deb Rudibaugh confessed to his murder. Deb claimed she fatally shot him as he slept and buried his body in a manure pile on the ranch.

Throughout their search for Jake, his friends, and investigators believed his family's involvement in his disappearance as they seemed dismissive and unbothered by it. Jake mysteriously disappeared from home on the ranch on May 16, 2015, where he resided with Deb.

As per an Oxygen report, Deb initially told Jake's friends that "he left with a friend and was going to the Reno, Nevada area" to train at a mixed-martial-arts gym. His elder sister, Stephanie's story differed when she told them that he was in Portland or Seattle. His financial records refuted both their narratives and his friends only grew concerned when they failed to get in touch with Jake.

The outlet reported that Deb even tried to portray Jake as someone who always lived with a dark side. She alleged that her "son has been doing drugs," and claimed that they weren't close. She further mentioned how they disagreed frequently had "one argument and fight after another." The missing rancher's friends refused to accept her claims because they knew him to be a very different person.

Jake Millison's family members, including his mother and elder sister, pleaded guilty to separate charges

Deb Rudibaugh's confession came in July 2017, more than two years after Jake Millison's disappearance. By then, a search warrant for the ranch had already been issued. Jake's body was discovered the same day his mother made the shocking confession.

Investigators suspected the involvement of Stephanie and her husband David despite Deb asserting that nobody else participated in the crime. They believed that as a cancer patient who underwent surgery, it was nearly impossible for her to have done the heavy lifting all by herself. They believed Stephanie's wishes to own the ranch that her brother would have inherited otherwise was the murder motive.

All three suspects were arrested and charged in connection with the murder. Deb pleaded guilty to second-degree murder, receiving a 40-year prison sentence, in May 2019. She died while serving her sentence later that year.

David and Stephanie pleaded guilty to one count each of tampering with a deceased body. The former was sentenced to 10 years in prison. Stephanie's deal also included an aiding and abetting charge. She was sentenced to a maximum of 24 years in prison.

Mother, May I Murder on ID will further delve into Jake Millison's shooting death on Monday, August 23, 2023, at 10 pm ET.

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