Which classic characters will be featured?

In the latest Nintendo Direct presentation, Atlus revealed more information about their upcoming title, Fire Emblem Engage. In this turn-based strategy game, players will be able to summon classic Fire Emblem characters to aid them in battle. This will be achieved through the now-revealed Emblem system, but who will be available in the game?

In the latest Nintendo Direct presentation, Atlus revealed more information about their upcoming title, Fire Emblem Engage. In this turn-based strategy game, players will be able to summon classic Fire Emblem characters to aid them in battle. This will be achieved through the now-revealed Emblem system, but who will be available in the game?

The mural at the beginning of the trailer shows some fascinating characters, but they may not be everyone that will be featured by the time the game launches. While this list will likely be updated as time goes on, these are the currently known classic characters featured in Fire Emblem Engage.

Fire Emblem Engage’s mural teases a number of classic characters

The Emblem system is a mechanic in the upcoming Fire Emblem Engage, whereby the main cast can equip a ring. Each of these rings appears to be connected to another hero from earlier on in the franchise.

Antagonists from the franchise may also show up in this system as well, as the opposing force may be able to use the Emblem Rings. Although this is not known at the moment, it could make the system far more interesting.

The rings are bound to these Emblems, and compatible characters can come together to fight side by side, or even transform into a new form. This can be done with the help of the Emblem Engage power.

It’s worth mentioning that the heroes below may not be the only ones featured in Fire Emblem Engage. However, all of these appeared in footage from the game or were seen to be a part of an in-game mural revealing their presence.

Here are the characters currently confirmed and what game they originally appeared in.

  • Marth: Fire Emblem
  • Celica: Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
  • Sigurd: Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
  • Leif: Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
  • Roy: Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
  • Lyn: Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade
  • Eirika: Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
  • Ike: Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
  • Micaiah: Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
  • Lucina: Fire Emblem: Awakening
  • Female Corrin: Fire Emblem: Fates
  • Male Byleth: Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Several of the confirmed characters are fan-favorites, and they span across a wide array of previous games in the franchise. Characters such as Byleth, Marth, Ike, and Roy have been featured in Super Smash Bros. games as well. These characters will likely be siding with Alear and his allies, as while little is known about the new characters in Fire Emblem Engage, fans at least know some of their names.

  • Alfred
  • Anna
  • Céline
  • Cholé
  • Citrinne
  • Etie
  • Framme
  • Louis
  • Vander

Emblem Rings are powerful artifacts, and little is known about how they will be unlocked or used as of writing this article. However, they are definitely important to the title's overall gameplay and story.

It should be noted that the number of Emblems could possibly increase. While it’s not clear how many Emblems will exist, the Fire Emblem franchise is well-known for having an extensive cast of characters, so it’s very likely that more may show up in the future. Fire Emblem Engage will launch on January 20, 2022 for the Nintendo Switch.

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