What happened to Emmri? ACE Family pay tribute to 11-year-old fan who passed away

Popular YouTube family vloggers The ACE Family took to their YouTube channel this week to pay tribute to their young fan Emmri. In an emotional video, Austin and Catherine McBroom paid their condolences to the 11-year olds family. According to her obituary, the child and her mother Chelsey religiously watched ACE Family videos and were

Popular YouTube family vloggers The ACE Family took to their YouTube channel this week to pay tribute to their young fan Emmri. In an emotional video, Austin and Catherine McBroom paid their condolences to the 11-year old’s family. According to her obituary, the child and her mother Chelsey religiously watched ACE Family videos and were huge fans of the family, especially Austin.

Emmri sadly passed away on February 20 after suffering from the CMV virus that caused her multiple disabilities and had shortened her life expectancy.

Catherine and Austin McBroom shared a video with their 18.9 million subscribers detailing their experience with Emmri during her final days.

The ACE Family's latest video explained

In their latest video titled WE LOST AN ACE FAMILY MEMBER… **THIS WAS HARD TO FILM**, Austin and Catherine McBroom admitted to reaching out to Emmri and her family. This comes after one of their fans brought Emmri’s health to the vloggers' attention. They then prompted the vloggers to get in touch with Chelsey.

In a recent upload, Catherine McBroom said,

“As soon as I watched the [TikTok] video, I was like ‘oh my God’. Something about her is so special, I couldn’t understand why I was so invested.”

In the video, Austin McBroom said,

“You could see her eyes brighten up when she saw us. She was resting and when she saw us her eyes got big. You can tell she was trying to say so much, but obviously couldn’t.”

After speaking to Chelsey, the YouTubers asked her if they could visit Emmri in Michigan. However, due to the child’s vulnerable health conditions during the pandemic, she could not accept any visitors. Austin and Catherine were then set up for a FaceTime call instead.

Catherine McBroom said that they made contact with Emmri during her last moments. They reportedly spoke to her just a day before her passing.

Who was Emmri?

Emmri lived in her Michigan home with her parents Chelsey and Robert and her younger brother Bennett. She also lived with her five pets. She was described as,

“brave, bold, gentle, patient and exuberant with a fierce love for life and those around her.”

Her tribute read that she took great pride in being an elder sister. Her favorite things to do included watching The ACE Family and Baby Reborn shows, and she enjoyed thrillers and horror movies.

Emmri had accumulated over 1 million followers on TikTok. Chelsey documented Emmri’s health struggles and educated her followers on the CMV virus on the social media platform.

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