Tigers porn star mistress in press conf against golf balls w/ her face on them

Yet another one of Tiger Woods dozen plus mistresses is coming out of the woodwork. Porn star Joslyn James held a press conference with her lawyer you guessed it, Gloria Allred to protest a new set golf balls featuring handpainted images of Tigers mistresses faces, including hers. (It sounds like the golf ball

Yet another one of Tiger Woods’ dozen plus mistresses is coming out of the woodwork. Porn star Joslyn James held a press conference with her lawyer – you guessed it, Gloria Allred – to protest a new set golf balls featuring handpainted images of Tiger’s mistresses’ faces, including hers. (It sounds like the golf ball creators got the idea from Jimmy Kimmel’s ad spoof of the Tiger Woods Commemorative Plate Collection with Billy Dee Williams.) James showed text messages from Tiger and claimed to have had a relationship with him that lasted a year. In response to the golf balls, James and Allred used some sort of convoluted argument against domestic violence. I get that it’s offensive to have your image on a golf ball. Just issue a statement and sue the company for using your image without permission. The only reason to hold a press conference is to try and get publicity and/or more money, both of which Allred is skilled at:

Former porn star Joslyn James has come forward to reveal details of her year long relationship with Tiger Woods. And if anyone has doubts about the validity of her claims James says she has proof of their liaison, in the form of text messages from the disgraced golf ace.

James held a press conference Wednesday with her attorney, Gloria Allred, who shared that James and Woods’ relationship was long term and lasted “at least a year”. Allred went on to reveal that James has text messages that she claims Tiger sent her, including one that states, “Baby I’m not going anywhere or doing anything. You please me like no other has or ever will. I am not losing that.”

James, who has remained mum on her alleged affair up until now, claims that she has decided to come clean following the release of some novelty golf balls which feature the faces of Tiger’s many alleged mistresses, she claims she is concerned they promote violence towards women. Speaking on behalf of her client Allred stated, “Putting a woman’s face on a golf ball which a golfer may swing at with full force may increase the risk of harm to women. Playing a round of golf with these balls may leave marks resembling bruises on the face of the ball which may lead to inappropriate jokes about hitting women.”

For her part, James said, “I have come forward today, because I feel that it is wrong for a golf ball to have my picture on it because golfers hit their golf balls with a lot of force. As a victim of violence myself, it bothered me to think that someone would be standing with a dangerous club hitting a ball with my photo on it. I was in love with Tiger and because of what he said to me and the fact that we were together for so long I believed that he loved me too. I don’t think that Tiger would want my picture on a golf ball and I know that I don’t.”

[From Radar Online]

Radar Online also has a video of part of the press conference. It’s comical when Allred reads out the text messages all deadpan and serious and then goes on to say that they’re speaking out against domestic violence. The best part is when Allred uses an oversize cutout of a golf club to smack a giant picture of a ball with James’ face on it to illustrate her point! She pulls the club away to show that the face on the ball has dark marks on it afterwards. In no way do I think there’s anything funny about violence against women, but there’s something totally hilarious about Gloria Allred and her pornstar client invoking that argument to get some press. You know that Allred loved it when those golf balls came out because she knew she could use it to milk some more publicity out of this two month old scandal.

In other Tiger Woods’ news, Radar Online reports that his wife Elin will pick him up at sex rehab at the end of the week. He’s supposedly been there for six weeks. Elin has also allegedly dropped the divorce attorney she initially hired. No amount of pleading or tears could convince me to go back to a cheater like Tiger, but to each their own I guess.

Photo of golf balls from Fame Pictures. Other photos are screenshots from Radar’s video




