Three Things You Didnt Know about Abby Lee Miller

As someone who has never personally watched Dance Moms, I still know the name Abby Lee Miller. Shes the woman who owns the dance studio in which seemingly innocent little girls go to become professional dancers or so their moms hope. These little girls work very hard, they stress and they live the kind

abby lee miller

As someone who has never personally watched Dance Moms, I still know the name Abby Lee Miller. She’s the woman who owns the dance studio in which seemingly innocent little girls go to become professional dancers – or so their moms hope. These little girls work very hard, they stress and they live the kind of lives I could never imagine for a child. However, to each his own. Abby Lee Miller runs a business and her business is dance – and I’m sure a bit of her goal is fame and fortune. She’s a bit of a controversial figure since she does require so much of girls so young, but she’s doing what she does and she’s pretty good at it, so who are we to question her? Her job is to teach little girls to dance like pros, and her second job is to listen to their overbearing, annoying mothers. It’s a miracle she’s able to get through the day without punching people. If you don’t know much about Abby Lee Miller, read on to find out a few things you didn’t know about the reality star.

Her Mom was the First Dance Mom

Abby Lee Miller learned from her mom how to do what she did. Her mother passed away in 2014, but she was the original dance mom. Miller learned everything she knows now from her mother’s hard work and dedication, and her focus on her craft.

She Lied about her Engagement

When Abby Lee Miller and her boyfriend, Michael Padula, announced their engagement in 2014, it ended up being a bit of a sham. The reality star says they were never really engaged, but that after her mother’s death she was just looking for some comfort from someone and he happened to be where she sought her comfort.

She’s How Old?

One of the questions people ask most is, “How old is Abby Lee Miller?” Sometimes she leads people to believe she’s a bit younger than she really is, but the truth is that her year of birth was 1966. That means that she’s into her last year in her 40s and she’s going to celebrate the big 50 next year.

Photo by Michael Buckner/Getty Images for LOGO

