Louis Tomlinson's Birthday Charity Drive with 1D Fans Give

If youve been part of One Directions fan base for any amount of time youve definitely heard of @1DFansGive a twitter that uses its reach to raise money for various charities all in the name of One Direction as a band and Louis, Harry, Liam, and Niall as individuals.

If you’ve been part of One Direction’s fan base for any amount of time you’ve definitely heard of @1DFansGive – a twitter that uses it’s reach to raise money for various charities all in the name of One Direction as a band and Louis, Harry, Liam, and Niall as individuals.

The month of December – in the One Direction fandom – is celebrated as Louis’ birthday month, yes he’s a prince charming so he gets the whole month! We’re not even half way through December yet and the goal amount of money – $24,000 – for The Eden Dora Trust has already been met!!

Did we mention lately how truly incredible One Direction fans are?

Louis has shown his large heart in many ways during his time with One Direction and it’s helped the lives, hearts, circumstances of many, but The Eden Dora trust is perhaps one of the closest causes to his heart and one he’s worked with most publicly.  He’s said, on more than one occasion, that Eden and her family have become friends to him and it warms our hearts seeing him take Eden under his wing and be someone she can lean on.

Eden Dora fell ill at a young age, very unexpectedly to Encephalitis.  After a long road full of wonderful doctors, teachers, and loved ones – Eden is alive and well, but very different from the young girl she was before.  Eden’s mother says you can never prepare yourself to go through something like that – and once you read her story you’ll get a glimpse into just why she is so important to everyone around her.  You can read more about her story here and also find out more information about Encephalitis and ABI (acquired brain injury).

Louis has hosted charity events and spent a lot of time with Eden in the past which motivated One Direction fans to use their voices, finances, and spirits to donate Eden and her family, and others who suffer like she did, to try to make their lives a little bit easier.  It’s not hard to see why One Direction fans, especially fans of Louis, are so giving with their hearts – their hero has quite possibly the most loving, charitable, and compassionate heart in the world.

We still have 9 days until Louis’ birthday, and a bit of the month left after that – if you can, please donate alongside 1DFansGive here and show Louis, Eden, and others your support and well wishes!

Thank you so much Louis for setting such a great example for your fans and thank you to Amy and the rest of the hard working team at 1DFansGive for providing us with so many opportunities to donate and show our support for everything Louis, Harry, Liam, and Niall have done and will continue to do.

