List of Genshin Impact VAs who also voice characters in Honkai Star Rail

Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail are both video games made by HoYoverse, so it's no surprise to see them share voice actors. Some VAs have already been revealed for the latter game. Since some players love to talk about voice actors, it's worth highlighting a few familiar names they might recognize. Do note that

Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail are both video games made by HoYoverse, so it's no surprise to see them share voice actors. Some VAs have already been revealed for the latter game. Since some players love to talk about voice actors, it's worth highlighting a few familiar names they might recognize. Do note that this list was made before Honkai Star Rail was released to the general public.

Thus, any new VAs shared between it and Genshin Impact from that point onward won't be reflected here. With that out of the way, it's worth checking out the actual list. of common VAs between the two games.

List of VAs who voice characters in both Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail

Note: This article will use "GI" as an abbreviation for Genshin Impact and HSR for Honkai Star Rail at times.

Here is a list of English VAs who voice characters in both Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail:

  • Dani Chambers (GI's Nilou and HSR's Arlan)
  • Felecia Angelle (GI's Mona and HSR's Asta and Hook)
  • Elizabeth Maxwell (GI's Rosaria and HSR's Natasha)
  • Alejandro Saab (GI's Cyno and HSR's Jing Yuan)
  • Anjali Kunapaneni (GI's Dori and HSR's Sushang)
  • Amber May (GI's Dehya and HSR's Yanqing)

Interestingly, there are only a few Japanese VAs common between the two games. Here is a list of them:

  • Tanaka Rie (GI's Lisa and HSR's Himeko)
  • Akira Ishida (GI's Ayato and HSR's Luocha)

This may change in future updates. As it stands now, most of the VAs who do both Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail do the English dub. Note that the above list is solely for English and Japanese dubs. Chinese and Korean may have additional voice actors who share roles between Genshin Impact and HoYoverse's upcoming game.

List of all confirmed voice actors for Honkai Star Rail

Some gamers might be interested in seeing the full list of VAs confirmed for HSR. Here is a list of the characters and their English and Japanese voice actors, respectively:

  • Arlan: Dani Chambers and Shiraishi Ryoko
  • Asta: Felecia Angelle and Akasaki Chinatsu
  • Bailu: Su Ling Chan and Emiri Kato
  • Bronya: Madeline Reiter and Asumi Kana
  • Clara: Emily Sun and Hidaka Rina
  • Dan Heng: Nicholas Leung and Ito Kento
  • Gepard: Bryson Baugus and Furukawa Makoto
  • Herta: PJ Mattson and Yamazaki Haruka
  • Himeko: Cia Court and Tanaka Rie
  • Hook: Felecia Angelle and Tokui Sora
  • Jing Yuan: Alejandro Saab and Ono Daisuke
  • Kafka: Cheryl Texiera and Itoh Shizuka
  • March 7th: Skyler Davenport and Ogura Yui
  • Natasha: Elizabeth Maxwell and Uchiyama Yumi
  • Pela: Xanthe Huynh and Morohoshi Sumire
  • Qingque: Bryn Apprill and Arisa Date
  • Sampo: Roger Rose and Hirakawa Daisuke
  • Seele: Molly Zhang and Nakahara Mai
  • Serval: Natalie Van Sistine and Aimi
  • Silver Wolf: Melissa Fahn and Asumi Kana
  • Sushang: Anjali Kunapaneni and Fukuen Misato
  • Tingyun: Laci Morgan and Yuki Takada
  • Welt: Corey Landis and Yoshimasa Hosoya
  • Yanqing: Amber May and Marina Inoue

This game's release date is April 26, 2023. Players will be able to experience it on PC, Android, and iOS simultaneously on that day. It will be interesting to see how Honkai Star Rail compares to Genshin Impact once the former game is finally released.

Poll : Are you going to play Honkai Star Rail when it launches?

229 votes

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