Judge Andrew Wilkinson had a connection to Hagerstown, although the exact details of that connection

News: In January, Andrew Drew F. Wilkinson, the recently appointed associate judge at the Washington County Circuit Court, donned his judges robes and took his seat on the courtroom bench. He was filled with a profound sense of gratitude on this special occasion. Growing up in a military family, Hagerstown had become his cherished home,

The Inspiring Journey of Judge Andrew Wilkinson

News: In January, Andrew “Drew” F. Wilkinson, the recently appointed associate judge at the Washington County Circuit Court, donned his judge’s robes and took his seat on the courtroom bench. He was filled with a profound sense of gratitude on this special occasion. Growing up in a military family, Hagerstown had become his cherished home, making his appointment as a judge in his hometown a deeply honorable and humbling moment. Wilkinson’s unwavering commitment to serving his community and following in the footsteps of his great-grandfather, the esteemed Franklin County judge Watson Davison, fueled his determination to uphold the highest standards of justice.

A Guiding Influence: Retired Judge Frederick C. Wright III

Wilkinson’s path to the judicial bench was set in motion through a serendipitous meeting with retired Judge Frederick C. Wright III. At the time, Wilkinson’s mother, Elizabeth, was appointed as a law clerk by Judge Wright when Drew was a mere 12 years old. Prior to that, the Wilkinson family had experienced frequent relocations due to his father’s military service. Nonetheless, with his mother’s employment securing their place in Hagerstown, it became their enduring home. Throughout the years, Judge Wright played an instrumental role in shaping Wilkinson’s legal career.

A Commitment to Excellence: Upholding Davison’s Legacy

During his investiture ceremony, Wilkinson made a heartfelt declaration of his dedication to preserving the legacy of his great-grandfather, Watson Davison. Davison was renowned for his meticulously reasoned judgments, exhaustive deliberations, and steadfast commitment to the principles of the law. Throughout his tenure as an attorney, Wilkinson prominently displayed a statement from the Franklin County Bar Association on his desk, underscoring these fundamental values. He solemnly vowed to uphold the same standard of equity, courtesy, and reverence for both litigants and fellow attorneys that his great-grandfather had epitomized.

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Support and Encouragement: The Role of Family and Friends

Wilkinson gratefully acknowledged the steadfast support and encouragement he had received from his wife, Stephanie. Her unwavering belief in his capabilities and unwavering dedication had been an invaluable cornerstone of his legal career. He extended his gratitude to colleagues, friends, clients, and fellow candidates for the judgeship, emphasizing the significance of a robust support network in his journey.

Praise from Peers: A Genuine Care for Others

M. Lynn Williams, a former colleague of Wilkinson, characterized him as approachable and possessing a “judicial temperament.” She lauded his capacity to establish meaningful connections with people, his commitment to fairness, and his genuine concern for others. County Attorney and Interim County Administrator Kirk Downey also offered commendation for Wilkinson, highlighting his kindness, amiable disposition, and commitment to justice. It’s worth noting that Wilkinson’s alma mater, Mercersburg Academy, played a significant role in molding his character and instilling enduring values.

A Well-Deserved Appointment: Meeting the Growing Caseload

Judge Daniel P. Dwyer, the administrative judge, underscored the importance of Wilkinson’s appointment as the sixth judge for the Washington County Circuit Court. The increasing caseload had necessitated the addition of another judge, underscoring the critical role Wilkinson would play in ensuring swift and equitable justice for the community. Before assuming his judgeship, Wilkinson had run his own solo legal practice and had collaborated with the esteemed land-use attorney Jason Divelbiss.

Wilkinson’s journey towards becoming a judge included a nomination for a circuit court position in 2016 and being a pool candidate in 2017. He earned his law degree in 1997 from Emory University School of Law following his graduation from the University of North Carolina in 1994. Over the course of his legal career, Wilkinson accrued diverse experience across Maryland’s judicial landscape, spanning from district to the Court of Appeals. His expertise extended to a wide array of legal domains, including real estate, zoning, family law, and civil litigation. Before his current appointment, Wilkinson had served as a law clerk at the local circuit court, collaborating closely with Judges John H. McDowell, W. Kennedy Boone, and Donald E. Beachley.

Judge Andrew “Drew” F. Wilkinson’s path to becoming an associate judge for the Washington County Circuit Court serves as a compelling testament to his unwavering dedication, resilience, and profound commitment to community service. Guided by the enduring principles established by his great-grandfather, Wilkinson brings a wealth of legal expertise and a sincere concern for the well-being of others to the bench. With his equitable and approachable manner, Wilkinson stands ready to wield a meaningful influence on the lives of those in his hometown who seek justice.


Q: What inspired Judge Andrew Wilkinson to become a judge in his hometown?

A: Judge Wilkinson was inspired by his great-grandfather, Watson Davison, who was a respected judge in Franklin County. He wanted to follow in his footsteps and serve his community with honor and dedication.

Q: How did retired Judge Frederick C. Wright III influence Judge Wilkinson’s legal career?

A: Judge Wright played a pivotal role in guiding Wilkinson’s legal career. When Wilkinson’s mother became a law clerk for Judge Wright, he became exposed to the legal profession at a young age and found his calling.

Q: What kind of legal experience does Judge Wilkinson have?

A: Judge Wilkinson has a diverse legal background with experience in various Maryland courts, including district and appellate courts. He has expertise in areas such as real estate, zoning, family law, and civil litigation.

