Is Bray Wyatt returning to WWE as The Fiend? The definitive answer

Bray Wyatt has been on the shelf since March 2023 after he was pulled from WWE programming due to health-related issues. However, speculations of The Eater of Worlds' WWE return have been doing the rounds over the last few weeks.

Bray Wyatt has been on the shelf since March 2023 after he was pulled from WWE programming due to health-related issues. However, speculations of The Eater of Worlds' WWE return have been doing the rounds over the last few weeks.

Recent reports have suggested that Wyatt could return on the road to SummerSlam 2023. Meanwhile, it was rumored that WWE is planning to have Wyatt revert to his old persona of The Fiend upon his return. However, makeup effects artist and WWE collaborator Jason Baker, who worked on masks for Wyatt, recently squashed those rumors.

Baker took to Twitter to rule out the possibility of The Fiend's return.

"That might be a little difficult considering that all of the mask molds were destroyed last year…”

Furthermore, in an earlier interview, The New Face of Fear revealed that The Fiend died at WrestleMania 37 after succumbing to a loss at the hands of Randy Orton, thus, ruling out the possibility of a future return.

However, given how popular Wyatt's alter-ego was among fans, it won't be surprising if the creative team is forced to bring back some version of The Fiend in the future. However, that may not happen anytime soon.

Bray Wyatt could feud against Seth Rollins upon his return

As mentioned earlier, Bray Wyatt's potential return to WWE is seemingly on the horizon. While it will be interesting to see what the company has in store for the former WWE Universal Champion upon his comeback, it won't be surprising if WWE has him feud against Seth Rollins.

The Visionary has been riding high on a wave of momentum since winning the inaugural World Heavyweight Championship at Night of Champions. However, given his history with The Eater of Worlds, it won't be a bad idea to pit him against Wyatt upon his return.

A potential feud between The Architect and Bray Wyatt for the World Heavyweight Championship has all the ingredients to be a blockbuster affair. It could pull in great numbers at the box office.

Do you want The Fiend to return? Who should Bray Wyatt take on upon his WWE return? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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