How much will LB earn in 2023?

According to reports, linebacker Rashaan Evans has been signed by the Dallas Cowboys to their practice squad ahead of Week 6 of the NFL regular season. Due to this signing, Rashaan Evans is expected to earn $12,000 per week during his time in Dallas.

According to reports, linebacker Rashaan Evans has been signed by the Dallas Cowboys to their practice squad ahead of Week 6 of the NFL regular season. Due to this signing, Rashaan Evans is expected to earn $12,000 per week during his time in Dallas.

The signing comes after the Cowboys lost inside linebacker Leighton Vander Esch to injury. Esch is the Cowboys' primary defensive, on-field signal-caller. Esch left the Cowboys' blowout loss to the San Francisco 49ers with a neck injury.

While the Cowboys haven't made any official designation about his injury status, it's clear that they feel the need to stack up insurance. The signing of Rashaan Evans would do just that, as the former first-round draft pick has a lot of ability. Whether he's be able to showcase it in Dallas remains to be seen, though.

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Rashaan Evans 40 time

Ahead of the 2018 NFL Draft, NFL scouts were fawning over the ability of the Alabama Crimson Tide's Rashaan Evans. Thankfully, Evans did not disappoint, as he ran the 40-yard dash in an impressive 4.36 seconds. That put Evans in the upper echelon of speedy linebackers in the 2018 draft.

Evans was fresh off an incredible college football career with the Crimson Tide. He won two CFP national championships, was a first-team All-American in his last year at college and also added All-SEC honors for good measure.

Hence, it was not a huge surprise to see Evans selected by the Tennessee Titans with the 22nd pick of the draft.

Rashaan Evans stats

Rashaan Evans has been in the NFL for six seasons and has played for two franchises during his whirlwind career.

Evans started with the Tennessee Titans, starting seven of 15 games he played during his rookie year. The Alabama Crimson Tide alum racked up a stat line of 53 combined tackles and one pass deflection that season.

Evans became a starter in year two and started every game in his sophomore season. He also improved his stats across the board for the franchise.

Evans ended the season with a stat line of 111 combined tackles, 2.5 sacks and one fumble return in 16 games. He had similar stats in his third and fourth seasons with the Titans and totaled 96 combined tackles in 2020 and 57 in 2021.

The Titans decided not to pick up the fifth-year option in Evans' rookie deal, so he left them at the end of the 2021 season. Evans joined the Atlanta Falcons on a short-term deal.

He started every game for Atlanta, putting up career-highs in most statistical categories. Evans had a stat line of 159 combined tackles, one forced fumble, one fumble return and four pass deflections. The Dallas Cowboys might just have struck gold via the practice squad.

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